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KISTI Opens Beta System against Fake Academic Publishing

Youngju Son 2020-03-24 View. 59,860

KISTI Opens Beta System against Fake Academic Publishing

“It is advised for researchers to solve the problem of bogus society and publication all together”

KISTI trying to build sound academic publication ecosystem through sharing of doubtful academic information


KISTI has announced that it has started a beta system called SAFE, Scholarly ecosystem Against Fake publishing Environment, both to confirm, share, and prevent academic information suspicious as bogus, and to provide safe academic publication.


Since 2018, negative cognition joining bogus society or submitting their papers to bogus academic publication has spread. However, it is pointed out that researchers cannot find and confirm whether some society or publication is bogus or not, one by one.


SAFE has reflected those cruces, which are ambiguity to judge and difficulty to verify. Thus, it introduces concept, characteristic, guideline, trend, and etc. of bogus society. It also has information about more than 150 thousand academic journals and more than 480 thousand academic meetings suspicious as bogus.


There are three key functions. One is searching; another is reporting; and the other is discussing, which helps researchers to make a more exact decision to figure predatory society out.


It is planned that SAFE will launch official service in October this year. Therefore, it expands database about fake academic publications and meetings. It is also planned that SAFE will provide the safe index of academic information; develop technology to detect and distinguish doubtful academic activities ; and provide OpenAPI in order for each university and government-funded research institute to develop their own service.

* This system provides the functions mentioned above only in Korean.

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