162021. 07
Joint training program with National Fire Agency
KISTI and National Fire Agency have conducted training program for firefighting big data analysis from July 5th to 9th. The two organizations signed an MOU in 2020 for the purpose of utilizing and spreading scientific technology and academic infrastructure and nurturing experts in big data related to NFA. Based on this, KISTI has conducted training program on big data analysis using artificial intelligence (AI) for information staff of NFA. Through this training program, KISTI and NFA hope to nurture experts in big data analysis customized for firefighting by linking KISTI's internal capabilities such as big data analysis, HPC, and AI utilization with NFA’s approximately 17.1 billion big data on firefighting to achieve big data-based national disaster problem solving and safety service innovation. The first training program for 2021 consists of topics such as ▷understanding supercomputer and future technologies, and using in firefighting fields ▷using big data to predict disaster damage in urban areas ▷firefighting big data analysis and visualization. It is planned to be operated with a focus on strengthening the capacity to analyze and utilize big data so that it can be applied in practical applications. KISTI and NFA will open more specialized training program for nurturing big data analysts for the purpose of realizing the digital new deal policy, and conduct joint research in analyzing data owned by NFA using KISTI supercomputing infrastructure to develop disaster prediction model. Dr. Ahn Boo-young, director of KISTI Science Data School, said, “Starting with this program, we will cultivate customized big data analysis experts based on big data owned by public institutions.” and “we will do our best to strengthen public safety through continuous collaboration with public organizations and advancement of data literacy” -
142021. 07
KISTI joined the Asia Pacific Oceania Global Research Network Council(APOnet)
KISTI has signed a multilateral MoU on Jul.17th for the formation of the Asia Pacific Oceania Global Research Network Council (APOnet) in which six countries, including Korea, the United States, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore, participate together and commenced operation in earnest. KISTI is building a research data superhighway that transmits massive research data in the field of large science and convergence research at high speed through the National Science and Technology Research Network (KREONET). KREONET has contributed to world-class scientific discoveries such as the discovery of Higgs particles and imaging black hole at the first in the world based on a 100 gigabyte global research network that can transmit large-scale research data. APOnet constructed this time enables high-speed transmission of large-capacity research data in the Oceania region to research institutes in the Asia-Pacific region by interconnecting 100 gigabyte international research networks in the Oceania region as well as in the Asia-Pacific region, and is to maximize the availability of international research network services through mutual backup. It also seeks to develop and support various international applications by promoting cooperation among the research networks of participating countries. In particular, it is expected that global collaborative research based on large-scale research data generated from large-scale research equipment such as SKA, the world's largest radio telescope being built in Australia, and the Korea-type superconducting fusion device (KSTAR), an artificial solar research device in Korea, is expected to accelerate. Dr. Lee Hyuk-ro Lee, Director of the Science and Technology Research Network Center, said, “The high-speed transmission of massive scientific data in the data-intensive large science field called the 4th generation science through APOnet is particularly important for domestic researchers to secure scientific big data generated around the world to conduct global research without limitations.” -
042021. 06
Supercomputer 6, “possibly exempted from preliminary feasibility study”
With the government’s willingness to introduce and develop supercomputers, it has been confirmed that the introduction of Supercomputer 6 is likely to be exempted from a preliminary feasibility study. The Ministry of Science and ICT announced on the 28th that it would achieve world 5th in computing power by 2030 through the national high-performance computing innovation strategy. Following the introduction of Supercomputer 6 in 2023 and 7 in 2028, the plan is to develop exascale (100 quintillion times per second) supercomputer by 30 years. According to KISTI, the capacity of supercomputer 6 will be about 500 Petaflops (a Petaflop is 1000 trillion operations per second). supercomputer 5, Nurion, cost 25.7 Petaflops, with a budget of 45 million US$. Therefore, it is expected that the budget for supercomputer 6 with a capacity of 500 Peta, will far exceed the amount, exempted from the preliminary feasibility study. Currently, as for the domestic supercomputer, KISTI is operating supercomputer 5 'Nurion'. In 2018, when introduced, it was ranked 11th, but now it has been pushed to the top 20th, and the introduction of supercomputer 6 is urgently needed. In particular, there was 8 years gap between supercomputer 4 and 5, the competitiveness of domestic supercomputers is getting weaker. KISTI said "Usually, supercomputers were introduced every five years, but the introduction of supercomputer 5 was delayed. To speed up the introduction of supercomputer 6, the exemption of preliminary feasibility study should be finalized at the end of this year and the budget should be reflected in the 2023 year. And, there will an admin. process such as bid, contract including assembly, so we will be able to assembling around the end of 2023.” The top supercomputer list announced in November last year, is occupied by advanced countries in science and technology such as Japan, the United States, and China. In particular, Japan ranked 1st in the world with its self-developed Fugaku supercomputer (442 Petaflops). It is also noteworthy that Germany entered the 7th and Saudi Arabia ranked 10th. Countries with top supercomputer performance are accelerating development of Exascale computer. The importance of data in artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, space, nuclear fusion, and biotechnology, is growing, and it seems that they are rushing to develop their own supercomputer. Korean government has decided to develop develop a 20 Exaflops supercomputer by 30 years with its own technology of CPU, memory and storage. Although there is no development experience so far, experts say that there is a high possibility because Korea has core technologies in semiconductors. KISTI said, "It will be possible if industry-university-research institutes form a consortium to develop it." "In particular, Korea has strengths in core technologies such as memory semiconductors, so we think it will be possible by 2030." -
182021. 05
KISTI celebrated its 20th anniversary on May 19th.
KISTI has celebrated its 20th anniversary on May 19th and declared to strengthen its role in supporting the nation, society, and companies through digital innovation that combines data and artificial intelligence in the overall research project. President Kim Jae-soo said, "Through KISTI's leading digital transformation, we will transform from an existing science and technology information organization to the highest authority for national science and technology data." "We will do our best to realize this through an agile strategy that quickly finds the best way and the science and technology infrastructure that we have accumulated over the past 59 years," he said. To this end, we present Agile, Digital Transformation (DX), and ESG as implementation strategy for the core value, “TRUST KISTI, Trust and Innovation” under the vision of 'KISTI changing the world with science and technology infrastructure and data'. In addition, through the DNA (Data, Network, AI) ecosystem built on the basis of KISTI's institutional R&R (Role and Responsibility), KISTI will utilize its own science and technology data, supercomputing, and intelligent information analysis infrastructure to solve national and social issues such as the Digital New Deal. And, KISTI will contribute to solving national and social issues through institutional research projects such as △Activation of the open science ecosystem through digital transformation over the entire cycle of national R&D △Leading the national ultra-high performance computing ecosystem by securing future-ready high performance computing technology △Establishing Intelligent analysis system for promoting national science and technology innovation ecosystem △Digital transformation based on Data and AI. President Kim Jae-soo said, “The management strategy presented this time includes a willingness to turn a crisis of social changes such as △ transition to a non-face-to-face (untact) society △ full-fledged arrival of the data era △ transition to artificial intelligence in all industries, which has become a necessary rather than an option, into an opportunity for challenge. -
042021. 05
Dr.Kim Jaesoo interview with Money Today "Agile is the answer to Digital Transf...
"In the era of digital transformation, speed is vital. Rather than dragging one big project with elaboration, we need to proceed with an 'Agile' approach that s 10 projects and gets one of them to success." In an interview with Money Today on April 29, Dr.Kim said, "The digital transformation is proceeding faster than expected, and we are going to introduce an agile strategy in all fields such as R&D and administration." The interview was held at the site of the Money Today global conference '2021 Key Platform' held at the Conrad Hotel in Seoul on the subject of 'Dismantling the Group: Internalization of adaptive execution' on the 28th and 30th of last month. KISTI is a specialized research institute that provides science and technology knowledge information for industry-academia-research researchers based on supercomputing and data analysis technology, and supports corporate technology commercialization. Data is the beginning and end of work. Dr.Kim who took office on March 23, emphasizes “proper timing” and “capability"' the most. As it is an institution that deals with data called crude oil in the 4th industrial revolution and digital age, it should not be left behind the trend of the times. Dr.Kim said, "As the public sector emphasizes accuracy and stability, it is inevitable to be cautious when making certain plans, but considering too much time often lead to bad result“. He also said "The digital age is an era of creativity and adventure, so public institutions shouldn't work the old way." “KISTI’s customer service would be somewhat insufficient at first, but we will focus more on providing the necessary data in a timely manner and persuade customers.” “Customer could complain about the service, but now we are not afraid of such a thing,” he emphasized. The change has already begun. Dr.Kim is introducing an agile strategy in all areas of KISTI work, including administration, planning, policy, and research projects. For example, He ed the '3 · 3 · 3 Talk' right after his inauguration. It is a program in which the President and employees communicate face to face on the third and third days of the month at 3:00 pm without a set subject. Dr.Kim said, "In the past, it would have taken several months for the department in charge to plan the program, obtain approval from the top, and modify the program in order to have time to communicate with the staff." "If only the picture comes out, I'll try to run it," he said. Dr.Kim suggested 'Changing the world with Data' as KISTI vision. KISTI will celebrates its 60th anniversary next year. He said, "People who have data in the past, people who know where the data is after that, people who use data well now are the best." and “Data should be focused on its utilization,” he said. He cited the example of the flood prevention project with Incheon Metropolitan City. "In the past, building a levee around the area where there was a lot of flooding was all, but analyzing the meteorological model with big data and artificial intelligence, and opening the structure of the sewage pipe will come up with a new alternative." “I am trying to contribute to creating a happy and joyful world with data-driven solution” he said. KISTI is also actively fostering data companies. Dr.Kim plans to upgrade ASTI, a window for supporting small and medium-sized business technology commercialization, to DX(Digital Transformation) ASTI(Association of Science and Technology Information). KISTI is focused on strengthening the digital capabilities of companies. Dr.Kim said, "KISTI will provide technology consulting services so that companies can accumulate and manage data well and support them to develop their innovative growth capabilities." and “"Our goal is to make data unicorn companies appear among the companies we have supported." -
272021. 04
Cooperation with DISTEP for Regional Innovation
KISTI signed a MoU with Daejeon Institute of Science & Technology for Enterprise & People(DISTEP) to build a regional innovation ecosystem on April 26th. This MoU is one of the efforts to play a central role in regional innovation by linking and spreading the tangible and intangible outcomes of GRIs(government research institutes) industries in the Daejeon area. Under this MoU, KISTI leads regional innovation by providing the nation's largest science and technology information and world-class infrastructure, and conducts multilateral exchanges and cooperation in solving regional problems. DISTEP is to play a role as a hub for regional demand and regional innovation. Mutual cooperation will include ▷Research and exchange for sharing and utilization of national R&D information and science and technology knowledge infrastructure ▷Collaboration of research data management system based on the National Research Data Platform (DataON) ▷Supercomputing and data infrastructure joint use to support SMEs ▷Analytical models for technology commercialization such as ups, support for systems, and mutual exchange ▷Joint cooperation on competency diagnosis and market competitiveness analysis for SMEs' innovative growth ▷Human resource cooperation and exchange for mutual cooperation between the two organizations. In particular, as the importance and value of regional innovation increases, the two organizations expect that the Daejeon city will promote various convergence and cooperation with the local science and technology innovation institutions to create food and jobs for future. Kim Jae-soo, President of KISTI, said, “Through cooperation with the DISTEP and KISTI's infrastructure and S&T capabilities, we will contribute to creating a region-led innovation ecosystem” and said “Now, for GRIs, innovation through national R&D is important, but it is more important to utilize its capabilities for regional innovation.” -
292021. 03
KISTI published a book entitled “A Study on the 3D Printing Industry Revitalizat...
KISTI published a book entitled “A Study on the 3D Printing Industry Revitalization Plan,” covering 3D printing technology and material information by experts in machinery, metals, polymers, and ceramics. KISTI said, "In the situation that 3D printing is popular domestically and internationally, but related specialized books are insufficient, the principles of 3D printing, materials, software, application fields, etc. are systematically organized for each technology and material to provide a clear view of the latest trends.“ Along with the 4th Industrial Revolution, 3D printing, which is called the digital revolution of manufacturing systems, is attracting attention because it is highly likely to bring about a transformation of the traditional business model along with the existing manufacturing method innovation. The global market for 3D printing is expected to reach 26.2 billion dollars (about 29 trillion won) in 2022. Currently, in the global 3D printing industry, a number of overseas companies such as the United States, Japan, China, and Europe are leading the business based on their technology, and they are taking the lead in product commercialization by applying 3D printing to the manufacturing process. In the case of the domestic market, it has been used for manufacturing prototypes in the fields of education, aerospace, and automobile parts manufacturing over the past several years, and is being used in the production of ed products, mainly in medical, dental, and consumer goods. The market growth rate has been somewhat sluggish so far, but the government is actively discovering successful cases to raise the market size to 1 trillion won by 2022. -
242021. 03
Dr.Kim Jaesoo inaugurated as the 8th president of KISTI
Dr. Kim Jaesoo inaugurated as the 8th president of KISTI . He expressed his aspiration at the inauguration ceremony held at the KISTI auditorium on Mar.23rd. He presented TRUST(Timely, Reliable, S&T innovation, Transparent) as his 5 managing strategies and mentioned KISTI will focus on establishing a digital-based national open science system supporting national R&D innovation. He also said that “even though the transition to data-driven research called 4th generation R&D ed for several years, it was difficult for researchers to get out of the existing R&D framework due to the slow progress of data open and fusion., we will solve it ”. “to this end, KISTI will integrate and open its S&T information, national R&D and research data and will build S&T Data Dam for AI learning so that domestic science and technology R&D can be transformed into a data-oriented system” he emphasized. Dr.Kim Jaesoo obtained a Ph.D. in Electronic Computer Engineering from Hongik University in 2009 and served as the Director of National Science and Technology Data Division, the Director of Convergence Technology Research Division. -
052021. 03
KISTI, Developing Fluid Dynamic Simulation SW for SMEs
KISTI has developed an open source based tool that can be used for fluid dynamics simulation. It is expected to be of great help to SMEs that cannot purchase expensive related software. KISTI M&S Center announced on Mar.1st that it developed “HEMOS Fluid” for this purpose and received GS(Good Software) certificate. HEMOS is an open source based solver(structural analysis software) and a library (a post-processing tool used for structural analysis). It is a entry level CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) software. HEMOS Fluid visualizes simulation and prediction performance results by entering multiple variables. KISTI researchers made it intuitive and easy compared to existing fluid mechanics software. The workflow method is applied to the user interface (UI) so that domestic SMEs can use it a lot, displaying the current work stage and all stages, and diagramming them. HEMOS Fluid can analyze basic steady-state heat flow. Currently, the focus is on versatility and plans to expand its functions every year. It is also a feature that has already received GS certificate. GS certificate is a national certification given to software that has passed the quality test based on ISO international standards. GS ensures objective quality, safety and reliability. This service is being served free of charge on HEMOS Cloud operated by KISTI. HEMOS Cloud is also linked with KISTI supercomputer Nurion. When complex analysis is required, Cloud and Nurion can be used at the same time. In addition to HEMOS Fluid, KISTI also operate HEMOS Structure for structural mechanics, and Hemos HVAC for indoor aerodynamics. In the case of HVAC, visualization tools using virtual reality and augmented reality are also prepared. They have received GS certificate too. “We plan to add functions such as movable material analysis and rotor analysis to HEMOS Fluid,” and “ It is expected to attract more use of SMEs experiencing SW purchasing problems.” said Kim Myung-il, Director of M&S Center. -
022021. 03
S&T Policy and R&D Innovation to overcome COVID-19
KISTI has introduced the science and technology policy directions and R&D innovation contents in major countries in the world to overcome the Corona 19 crisis in its Issue Brief Vol.30. It also provides knowledge, implications, and countermeasures based on information data-based analysis techniques related to recent national social issues. According to the Issue Brief, the PostCorona society is expected to be recorded as a digitization momentum in the social and economic structure due to the increase in non-face-to-face life patterns, decline in collectivism, and the normalization of telecommuting and distance education. It is expected that non-face-to-face services will become common, the biohealth market and concept will be expanded, and the role of government will be strengthened according to routine risk management in everyday life. Accordingly, the United States is enacting the Coronavirus Support Relief Economic Stability Act, implementing large-scale financial support, and investing large-scale financing in the R&D field of infectious disease. Germany is promoting digital transformation in existing industries through key industrial investments, and expanding the budget for R&D (vaccines, drug development, etc.) related to Corona 19. Japan has set an innovation strategy direction that focuses on remedying the damages of the manufacturing industry from Corona 19 and digital transformation in the future. In addition to its R&D strategy, China is promoting a wide range of measures such as production, high-tech, SME support, manpower policy, and science and technology governance. Major foreign countries' science and technology R&D policy directions are emerging as large-scale investment expansion to cope with the global value chain change and trade blockage caused by Corona 19. The role and policy direction of domestic science and technology in the new normal era were also presented. He said that it is necessary to provide objective data based on scientific facts on the social change of the corona crisis, research infectious diseases and provide scientific and technological answers for responding to the new normal era, and prepare for a preemptive future based on science and technology. It has been revealed that the R&D model innovation and the digital transformation of the industry can turn crisis into an opportunity, and advance to a better future through online education, reinforcement of crisis response research, and data-based policies. KISTI also explained that it intends to respond to the new normal era by providing a national supercomputing infrastructure, building a science and technology data dam, data-based research, and providing an R&D innovation platform. Cho Kumwon, Acting President of KISTI said, “In order to reflect on the changing aspects of our society and the importance of science and technology roles in the process, and to preemptively prepare for the coming future, KISTI will put more efforts into R&D innovation with government research institutes(GRIs)