232020. 04
National Supercomputing Center in Korea, KISTI, Joins Fight Against COVID-19
National Supercomputing Center in Korea, KISTI, Joins Fight Against COVID-19 A research team in Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI) have utilized the KISTI-5 called Nurion, the world 14th fastest supercomputer, to identify 43 drug candidates. These drugs’ efficacy against COVID-19 needs further experimental verification, and the preliminary results have been published on ChemRxiv. COVID-19 was first identified in the Chinese city of Wuhan and has since spread around the world, quickly becoming a major global pandemic. Many research institutes and pharmaceutical companies across the globe have promptly responded to develop vaccines and treatments as a counteraction to the rapid spread of COVID-19. For example, researchers at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) were quick to react against COVID-19. They used its own supercomputer, Summit, the world’s fastest supercomputer, to carry out research exploring inhibitor candidates that could possibly inhibit activity of “spike” proteins on the envelop of the novel coronavirus. Researchers in KISTI have used its own supercomputer, Nurion, to find drug candidates potentially usable as a cure for COVID-19 amongst 19,168 drug molecules from SWEELEAD library and ChEMBL database. Using the 3D structure of main protease (Mpro) of the novel coronavirus discovered by Germany researchers which is known as an essential enzyme used in the cloning of the novel coronavirus inside the host cell, KISTI researchers evaluated binding affinity between Mpro and the 19,168 compounds, and ranked these compounds based on the molecular docking score. After selecting 43 candidates, they conducted a molecular dynamics (MD) simulation to further investigate protein-drug interaction. Finally, 8 drug candidates were narrowed down and selected. “Leveraging the power of supercomputer is a key to in-silico screening through tens of thousands of chemical compounds within days, which would, otherwise, take months using PC,” said Sangjae Seo, a KISTI researcher who has led this study. “We plan to collaborate with Korea Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT) and Seoul National University (SNU) to further assess the effectiveness of the selected drug candidates at the cellular and enzymatic level and will refine more extended drug discovery pipeline by adding in-vitro and in-vivo steps as well as AI-driven in-silico screening approaches,” added Soonwook Hwang, director of KISTI supercomputing center. Keeping COVID-19 under control is a nation’s top priority, and KISTI, as a government-funded research institute, has a responsibility to take prompt measures in responding to this current national and global epidemic. To this end, KISTI has recently announced a call for project to which any Korean scientists, who want to join the combat against COVID-19, could a proposal for willing to tap into the KISTI-5 supercomputing resources in order to be able to be armed with better tools for their own fight. “This contingency call is exceptional in a sense that as opposed to a routine call requiring relatively long and time-consuming review process that occurs three times a year, nearly all applications will likely be accepted and approved with no special review process, once the application is proved to have a strong relevance to the fight against COVID-19. This program will be in operation tentatively for about up to six months”, said Hee-yoon Choi, president of KISTI. The image illustrates how a candidate drug, located inside the orange circle, binds to the main protease (Mpro) of the novel coronavirus in blue and red. -
172020. 04
Improving KISTI infrastructure and curation practice to promote open access to s...
Improving KISTI infrastructure and curation practice to promote open access to scientific and technological information KISTI, Korea Open Access Platform “KOAR” Open KISTI(Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information) has launched KOAR(Korea Open Access platform for Researchers, https://koar.kr), a platform to help Korean researchers access, publish, self-archive, and monitor open access articles, on February 27, 2020. KOAR will enhance the information accessibility and play a role of the national repository. Researchers can access over 21 million open access articles collected from all over the world through KOAR. KOAR holds 194,138 open access articles from national R&D projects. It also has over 1,000 Korean open/free access journals. KOAR runs a repository to self-archive open access content for researchers and learned societies, and provides SAFE(https://safe.koar.kr), a system to help researchers avoid predatory journals and conferences. Currently, KOAR has only Korean version; however, it plans to provide its website in English by the end of 2020 so that international researchers can search and access Korean open access articles. Constructing High-Quality Content Based on KISTI Curation Lifecycle Model KISTI holds and provides Korea's largest scientific and technological content. Since 2018, KISTI has developed and upgraded the KISTI curation lifecycle model to conduct systematically and efficiently KISTI’s content curation practices. The KISTI curation lifecycle model adapted UK’s Digital Curation Center(DCC) curation lifecycle model that has influenced many lifecycle models around the world since 2008. The DCC reviewed the KISTI model and acknowledged its excellence. Particularly, it appreciates that the KISTI model has “User Experience” and “Stakeholder Collaboration.” Based on KISTI model, KISTI enhanced curation application rate by identifying references, authors, institutions, DOIs, and funding. The KISTI model, the implementation strategies, and identification activities can be adopted to construct high-quality scientific and technological infrastructure at the national level. Moreover, they are expected to be adopted by many libraries and information centers. -
142020. 04
KISTI to Cooperate Big Data & AI R&D with National Assembly Library
KISTI to Cooperate Big Data & AI R&D with National Assembly Library - They Conclude MOU for Cooperation of R&D of Big Data and AI - KISTI and the National Assembly Library(NAL) have concluded MOU for cooperative R&D of Big Data and AI on April 14th, 2020. This MOU has been concluded through KISTI's video conference platform Webinar owing to the social distancing, which is the government's guideline for preventing spread of COVID-19. In order to support and invigorate the AI industry, KISTI through this MOU will prepare the second stage of curation system for science and technology contents by building of machine learning data; preprocessing of prior learning data; development of technology for curation of data processing; and pushing forward with developing quality of data. The second stage of curation system for science and technology contents refers to building of environments for data curation of abundant S&T contents that the artificial intelligence is capable of utilizing such as about 100 million papers, 26 million research reports, and 136 million S&T researchers, at home and abroad, which have been secured through KISTI's distinct missions granted from the government. This MOU will accelerate joint applications of both digital information and information technology infrastructure that the organizations have accumulated and possessed, which is expected to contribute to making ecosystem of creative cooperation satisfying the national and social needs. -
142020. 04
KISTI and KIER to Commercialize Public Technology of Energy Together
KISTI and KIER to Commercialize Public Technology of Energy Together - KISTI to Transfer Smart K2C to KIER - KISTI and KIER, Korea Institute of Energy Research, agree with mutual cooperation on April 14th, 2020, for making ecosystem for innovative development of energy enterprises by using KISTI's Smart K2C, the big data based analysis model and system. KISTI customizes Smart K2C in accordance with features of the targeting organization to maximize the system's uptake further when it transfers the analysis model and system. For this transferring to KIER, KISTI not only built database of technology and market in the field of the energy industry, at home and abroad, but developed a detailed model inside the system for supporting customized analysis of the energy field. KISTI expects to raise the success rate of commercialization of the domestic public research outcomes from the transferring of Smart K2C to public organizations such as KIER. Smart K2C helps to analyze big data with ease, and it also suggests specific solutions that a company generates revenue in the market based on the result of analysis. Thus, easier commercialization of technology-based products could cause increase of sales of enterprises, and Smart K2C is expected to play a key role to raise the success rate. From now on, Smart K2C will be utilized on supporting enterprises of the energy industry and discovering promising technologies that use KIER's technologies, researchers, equipment, and so on. -
012020. 04
KISTI to host International Data Week 2021
KISTI to host International Data Week 2021 For Social Contribution to Sharing and Utilizing Research Data KISTI will hold International Data Week 2021, a conference for share and utilization of research data. IDW 2021 is co-hosted with international organizations of research data such as CODATA, RDA, and WDS. The ecosystem of data innovation to encourage social contribution with new scientific discoveries and innovation will be discussed since research paradigm has recently changed into data-centered research with open data and its utilization. International Data Week was held twice: in Denver, U.S.A., in 2016 and in Gaborone, Botswana, in 2018. In addition, the 18th RDA Plenary Meeting and SciDataCon 2021 will be hosted from November 8th to 11th, 2021, with IDW 2021. You can check the information of IDW 2021 here as well: - CODATA: https://codata.org/save-the-date-international-data-week-2021-8-11-november-2021-seoul-south-korea/ - RDA: https://www.rd-alliance.org/save-date-international-data-week-2021-8%E2%80%9311-november-2021-seoul-south-korea -
242020. 03
KISTI Opens Beta System against Fake Academic Publishing
KISTI Opens Beta System against Fake Academic Publishing “It is advised for researchers to solve the problem of bogus society and publication all together” KISTI trying to build sound academic publication ecosystem through sharing of doubtful academic information KISTI has announced that it has started a beta system called SAFE, Scholarly ecosystem Against Fake publishing Environment, both to confirm, share, and prevent academic information suspicious as bogus, and to provide safe academic publication. Since 2018, negative cognition joining bogus society or submitting their papers to bogus academic publication has spread. However, it is pointed out that researchers cannot find and confirm whether some society or publication is bogus or not, one by one. SAFE has reflected those cruces, which are ambiguity to judge and difficulty to verify. Thus, it introduces concept, characteristic, guideline, trend, and etc. of bogus society. It also has information about more than 150 thousand academic journals and more than 480 thousand academic meetings suspicious as bogus. There are three key functions. One is searching; another is reporting; and the other is discussing, which helps researchers to make a more exact decision to figure predatory society out. It is planned that SAFE will launch official service in October this year. Therefore, it expands database about fake academic publications and meetings. It is also planned that SAFE will provide the safe index of academic information; develop technology to detect and distinguish doubtful academic activities ; and provide OpenAPI in order for each university and government-funded research institute to develop their own service. * This system provides the functions mentioned above only in Korean. -
122020. 03
Limitless Research with Cloud Service of HPC
Limitless Research with Cloud Service of HPC - Opening of KI Cloud - KI Cloud, the KISTI Intelligent Cloud service, has opened on March 12th. The service makes AI and/or big data analysis researchers as well as traditional computational scientists capable of utilizing KISTI's supercomputer NURION in the clouding environment in response to both rapidly changing research environments and researchers' demanding. On the contrary to the traditional interface, KI Cloud uses interactive cloud service, which helps researchers easily construct the computing environment that they want. The existing users that hope to utilize NURION had to submit in advance the coded program in the text terminal environment, which is called one-way processing, so they had to wait their task turns after they submitted the program. On the other hand, the newly opened KI Cloud service makes users perform their works, visually confirming the result of the programming simultaneously, by making and using their own virtual server or by using programming tools of KI Cloud through the Web user interface. Henceforward, KISTI plans to connect the NEURON system, which is NURION's GPU servers, to KI Cloud at the end of March. Therefore, users will be able to access not only the already opened CPU-centered KI Clould service but also GPU-based clouding system. -
052020. 03
National R&D of COVID 19 at a Glance
National R&D of COVID-19 at a Glance - NTIS arranges curation services of national catastrophes - KISTI operates curation service of the national R&D information of national catastrophes such as COVID-19 on NTIS for counteracting the disasters at ordinary times until termination of the situations. 'The R&D through the social issues' is part of the sophisticated curation service that has been proseed based on NTIS 5.0 general plan from last year. NTIS 5.0 expeditiously provides users with necessary information based on both the users' information such as research performance, workplace type, and major of them, and their search history by introducing AI and data-processing technology. In addition, the service pivots around Chat-bot service based on natural languages, the national science and technology standard classification based on deep learning, and so forth. The national R&D information is provided on the special issue section located on the center of NTIS web page. The information includes projects, researchers, patents, and papers related to virus infection disease about Corona virus itself, prevention of infectious disease, virus diagnosis, vaccine, telemedicine, epidemiological survey, AI doctor, smart health, and so on. NTIS is planning to provide the national R&D information that already had been or now has been being proceeded swiftly and systematically for the users by opening the special issue section on NTIS web page when an national issue occurs. This service is also provided on ScienceON, the integrated platform for all of the services KISTI has been operating. * This service is only offered on Korean language page of NTIS. -
042020. 03
KISTI's KREONET Awarded 2020 CENIC Innovations in Networking Award for Research ...
KREONET, KISTI's nationwide research network, is being awarded the 2020 CENIC Innovations in Networking Award for Research Applications. The same article has been published on Pacific Wave as well: https://pacificwave.net/news/cenic-recognizes-kreonet -
182020. 02
KISTI and KAIST to Cooperate on Supercomputing and AI
KISTI and KAIST to Cooperate on Supercomputing and AI - Two organizations conclude MOU for leading innovation of S&T and industrial technology - KISTI and KAIST, the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, have concluded MOU for cooperation on research and education program of supercomputing and AI at KISTI Daejeon Research Complex on February 18th, 2020. They will cooperate joint research on utilizing of supercomputing and data; training of experts on supercomputing and data; exchange and education of researchers; exchange of academic information; and establishment of the joint research center. They have also composed the cooperation committee and found some joint research subjects such as large scale gene network modeling based on big data, exa-scale turbulent burning simulation, and developing of big data processing for next generation AI technology. In addition, the committee will discuss details about cooperation plan of training and education of experts on supercomputing and data, and building of the joint research center. Based on the establishment of the joint research center, they plan to find and try to solve the ultimate problems of science, engineering, and industry which are not solved yet or highly likely to fail to solve, by inputting capabilities of supercomputing, data, and AI of both organizations.