No. 4 View. 436807 International Data Week 'IDW 2022' preview 2022. 03. 14 World's largest conference on research data, 'IDW(International Data Week)' is co-hosted by international organizations (CODATA, RDAs, WDS) on research data. Under the theme of "Improve our World," "IDW 2022" will be held in Korea and Seoul to emphasize the importance of data, which is the core of the fourth industrial era, and discuss changes through research data innovation such as openness and sharing. ㅇ event : International Data Week 2022 ㅇ date : 2022. 06. 20~23. ㅇ venue : Seoul Dargon City, Som Sevit ▶IDW2022 website : https://internationaldataweek.org/
No. 3 View. 802401 KISTI promotion video - 30s (2022) 2022. 02. 03 (caption) SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY DATA Our science and technology have developed with data Digital Innovation 디지털 혁신 Smart Society 스마트 사회 Data Technology 데이터 기술 Problem Solving Research 난제 해결 연구 Open Science 오픈 사이언스 Global Convergence 글로벌 융합 Kim Jae-soo, President of KISTI (voice/caption) Data is an essential element in every field and the most important strategic asset. (voice) KISTI Changing the wolrd with science and technology infrastructure, data (caption) Supercomputing infrastructure Intelligent analysis system DATA Digital convergence KISTI creates a new future Changing the world with DATA
No. 2 View. 601707 KISTI promotion video (2022) 2022. 01. 18 (voice) The era of the digital revolution without the constraints of time and space! To become the competitive power serving as the basis for development, andleadingthe times, is none other than science and technology data! With science and technology data, we create new values, pioneer new growth, and prepare a new future. We are KISTI, the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information. (caption) Era of digital revolution Competitive power leading the times Scientific technology data Creating new values Pioneering new growth Preparing for a new future KISTI changes the world with data (voice) We have been changing the world. Since our foundation in 1962, we have solidified the base for Korea’s science and technology research and industrial development. We at KISTI havesupported nationwidedevelopment by discovery of growth engines for national key industries through collection and distribution of science and technology and future prediction by way of information analysis. In times of increasing importance for information and technology, KISTI established a science and technology state-of-the-art infrastructureand super-computing application system to head ting-edge R&D, which innovated the national science and technology industry. (caption) We have been changing the world Beginning Period for S&T, Industries Foundation of KISTI in 1962 Foundation in science and technology research and industrial development The beginning of national development and its people’s happiness Growth Period for Korea’s Industrial Development Discovery of growth engines for national key industries Contribution to national economic development Information Age: the beginning of digital innovation State-of-the-art infrastructure development Supercomputing application system establishment Super-convergent digital transformation era Leading national science and technological innovation (voice) And today, in this data economy era in which data is competitive power, we lead the way in resolving pending social issues through data. Based on open science, we prepared a science and technology data sharing and use system, and provide services on intelligent integration platform ScienceON and various science and technology data platforms per field, to innovate the national science and technology research paradigm. KISTI as a national supercomputing center operating a supercomputing infrastructure and global science experimental data hud center. Through this, the joint use of high performance infrastructure, ting-edge science and technology research, and global cooperation can be enhanced to strengthen national competence on a worldwide scale. We support the digital transformation of the science and technology research field, and collaborate with social innovation leaders such as industries and local communities to create socio-economic value and build up strength for industrial-academic-research institutes-governmental. Furthermore, the capacity of the D.N.A. for data-network-AIis assembled and strengthened to contribute to resolving pending social issues based on the power of convergence through science and technology data dam construction, cyber security control, national livelihood problem solution development, science and technology research network operation, and future talent cultivation training. (caption) We build a better tomorrow with data Leading open science based on science and technology data Preparation of data-based national open science system Comprehensive collection and analysis for science and technology information Support for open science-based digital transformation Leading ting-edge research and ecosystem for national supercomputing Construction and operation of national supercomputing infrastructure ading a national super-computing ecosystem National supercomputer No.5Nurion Construction of national supercomputing environment for the future Seoul, Gangwon-do Province, Daejeon, Pohang, Busan, South Korea, Tsukuba, Geneva, Chicago, California Digital Innovation of industrials, academia, research institutes, governments Comprehensive collection and analysis service for science, technology, and related industrial information ASTI 5.0, Toward DX-ASTI Finding digital transformation response measures for small and medium businesses ASTI (Association of Science & Technology Information) senior management forum Pursuing R&D paradigm change through data analysis R&D PIE, Investment platform acknowledged by OECD Spread of KISTI’s technical commercialization platform Discussions on technology transfer with a partner Data-Driven technical commercialization support platform ODA project, establishment of competitive intelligence analysis service “COMPAS” Support for science and technology knowledge infrastructure The center of D.N.A.-based digital convergence Construction project for science and technology machine learning data S&T CSC: Science and Technology Cyber Security Center State institution-owned information system and computer network protection KISTI’s 4 Major Issue Resolutions Flooding Monitoring solutions to prevent flooding Fine Dust Measuring and analyzing air pollution system run by Incheon Metropolitan City Public Transportation Performance index and economic feasibility analysis on new route alternatives Seismic Damage Pre-selection of subjects for seismic retrofit priority to prevent damage and strengthen confrontation ability Daejeon, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore, Sydney, Hawaii, Seattle, Los Angeles, Chicago, Ottawa, Miami, Sao Paulo, Amsterdam, Geneva, Copenhagen, Moscow KREONET Korea Research Environment Open Network GLORIAD Global Ring Network for Advanced Application Development KISTI Science Data Education Center Contribution of resolutions to pending national and social issues (voice) We will create a new future with data. By expanding the data sharing and utilization ecosystem where everyone can share and utilize science and technology information resources, we dream of a world full of resplendent innovation centered around data. By developing and spreading next-generation science and technology infrastructure, and also by creating and advancing intelligent technologies, we dream of innovation of our nation's sicence and technology competence. In addition, operate stronger and more reliable digital support system based on the industrial-academic-research institutes-governmental governance for prompting the research community to grow together and make new discoveries, and look in advance humanity's agenda so that our lives continue beautifully, KISTI s into the future. Roat to DATA Road to world Road to future We make our nation of world-class science and technology (caption) We will create a new future with data Industries, academia, research institutes, governments With DATA Into the world Into the future we make our nation of world-class science and technology (voice) In the era of great digital transformation, data is an essential element mandatory in every field, and the most important strategic asset. KISTI establishes, uses, and diffuses not only domestic and foreign science and technology information, but also data and platforms to innovate national science and technology competence and drive future growth engines. Under the vision of “Changing the world with data” KISTI is using its data and infrastructure service of science and technology to lead research and development innovation, and will continue to pioneer national agendas and pending social issue resolutions to contribute to the happiness of the nation and our people. (caption) Kim Jae-soo, President of KISTI (voice) KISTI, the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, will continue its challenge toward the future as the head of science and technology data. With its data, supercomputing infrastructure, intelligent information analysis system, and digital convergence, KISTI’s destination! The hope for the world! Will be a future of novelty and happiness. (caption) KISTI will continue its challenge toward the future Data Supercomputing infrastructure Intelligent information analysis system Digital convergence KISTI’s destination! World hope’s destination! KISTI, Changing the world with data