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Field experience in KISTI

PR KISTI 2013-07-16 View. 9,464

A group of Kongyang University students visited KISTI on July 22nd to experience the research field. This visit was made in line with KISTI's donation program which aims to provide university students with field experience in R&D institutes.

The students had a chance to visit KISTI NISN(National Institute of Supercomputing and Networking) and were briefed on supercomputing performance, utilization and research results. After that, KISTI's supercomputing training program was introduced for their application. At the end of the visit, students had a meeting with KISTI researchers working in the supercomputing center for their caree path in future.

KISTI has a plan to visit or invite about 10 university students of engineering department to provide them with R&D field experience and with a chance to meet researchers to hear career path for them.

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