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NTIS for KOREA-KAZAKH Summit Agenda

PR KISTI 2014-07-01 View. 12,715

On the 19th of June, President Park Geun-Hye and her Kazakhstan counterpart President Nursultan Nazarbayev had a summit meeting in Astana, Kazakhstan. The summit is the 12th between the leaders of two countries, since the two countries formed bilateral ties in 1992.

During the summit meeting, the construction of a thermal plant and petrochemical complex was raised as main discussion points, as well as medicine cooperation, visa waiver and so on. Along with the national agendas, Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MSIP) of Korea and Ministry of Education and Science (MES) of Kazakhstan signed a MOU for KOR-Kazakh national R&D Information System construction.

The cooperation on building Kazakh's national R&D Information System will be based on Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI)'s NTIS system. Upon the request of NCSTE Kazakhstan, an evaluating institute for science and technology, KISTI will actively participate in the construction.

KISTI and NCSTE will be going through a feasibility study on the system's construction, starting September 2014. Both parties will be able to plan ahead for building a solid R&D Information System, to boost Kazakhstan's scientific and technological advancement.

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