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KISTI and KAIST to Cooperate on Supercomputing and AI

Youngju Son 2020-02-18 View. 90,417

KISTI and KAIST to Cooperate on Supercomputing and AI

- Two organizations conclude MOU for leading innovation of S&T and industrial technology -

KISTI and KAIST, the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, have concluded MOU for cooperation on research and education program of supercomputing and AI at KISTI Daejeon Research Complex on February 18th, 2020.

They will cooperate joint research on utilizing of supercomputing and data; training of experts on supercomputing and data; exchange and education of researchers; exchange of academic information; and establishment of the joint research center.

They have also composed the cooperation committee and found some joint research subjects such as large scale gene network modeling based on big data, exa-scale turbulent burning simulation, and developing of big data processing for next generation AI technology.

In addition, the committee will discuss details about cooperation plan of training and education of experts on supercomputing and data, and building of the joint research center.

Based on the establishment of the joint research center, they plan to find and try to solve the ultimate problems of science, engineering, and industry which are not solved yet or highly likely to fail to solve, by inputting capabilities of supercomputing, data, and AI of both organizations.

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