KISTI hosted the 9th Korea-China-Japan S&T information joint seminar
이정훈 2022-07-11 View. 158,089KISTI hosted the 9th Korea-China-Japan S&T information joint seminar
- For 2 days online seminar from June 16th to 17th -
- Representative information research institutes'(KISTI, ISTIC, JST) experts attended from those 3 nations -
KISTI held 'The 9th Korea-China-Japan S&T Information Joint Seminar' from June 16th to 17th with those 3 nations representative information research institutes under the theme of 'Open Science and STI Innovation'.
The Korea-China-Japan STI joint seminar took place from 2010, and has been co-hosted by KISTI, Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China(ISTIC) and Japan Science and Technology Agency(JST). The purpose of this seminar is to share technologies and case reports for managing data efficiently which is the core value of S&T competitiveness and building a data open&share ecosystem, among those 3 institutes' researchers.
Kim Jae-soo, president of KISTI appreciated to KISTI's 60th anniversary congratulations from ISTIC and JST, and hopefully said, "We will play a leading role in the field of STI through the cooperations with overseas research institutes.". Zhao Zhiyun, president of ISTIC and Koda Akira, vice president of JST sent greeting messages to state that they will co-work each other for promoting those 3 nations' friendship and establishing a cooperation system among the nations through an international interaction in data field.
Nam Eun-kyung, senior engineer from Open Access Center of KISTI presentated about AccessON
which is operated by KISTI as a national open access platform.
In this seminar, researchers from the 3 institutes' shared knowledge and information about 4 themes of ▲ Open Science ▲ S&T Information Service ▲ STI Analysis Platform ▲ STI Cooperation and Innovation. KISTI focused on the latest content of DX innovation and STI cooperation, JST importantly introduced researches related to Open Science, and ISTIC showed high interest in the latest technologies and knowledge organizations about information service.
Lee Hye-jin, director of Digital Curation Center of KISTI said, "Our plan is to establish an intelligent STI curation system and strengthen international cooperations for the digital transformation of the S&T information construction-sharing system through leading data standardization and intelligent technology development. This seminar will be a new starting point for global R&D cooperation and the DX.".
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